.. notes: cross referencing: http://sphinx-doc.org/markup/inline.html Practical Details ================= **Fourier Transform and Units**. We will analyze our signal using the discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). We will display the Fourier transformed data, however, as if it had been obtained by a continuous Fourier Transform (FT). The outputs of the FT integral and the DFT sum are proportional but not equal. We can see this immediately by units analysis: for data :math:`a_n` (and :math:`a(t)`) having units of meters, the discrete Fourier transform :math:`A_k` has units of :math:`\text{m}` while the continuous Fourier transform :math:`\hat{a}(f)` has units of :math:`\text{m} \: \text{Hz}^{-1}`. The FT data is obtained from the DFT data as follows. Consider the continuous Fourier transform .. math:: \hat{a}(f) = \int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} dt \: a(t) \: e^{-2 \pi \imath f t } We can convert this integral to a sum using the following correspondences. With :math:`\Delta t` the time per point and :math:`N` the total number of points, .. math:: \begin{align} t & \rightarrow t_n = n \: \Delta t \\ f & \rightarrow f_k = k /(N \: \Delta t) \\ a(t) & \rightarrow a(n \: \Delta t) = a_n \\ \hat{a}(f) & \rightarrow \hat{a}(f_k) \end{align} and .. math:: \int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} \cdots dt \rightarrow \Delta t \: \sum_{n = 0}^{N-1} \cdots Substituting, we find .. math:: \hat{a}(f_k) = \Delta t \: \underbrace{\sum_{n = 0}^{N-1} A_k \: e^{-2 \pi \imath \, n k / N}}_{A_k} We conclude that the continuous Fourier transform is obtained from the discrete Fourier transform using .. math:: :label: eq:hatak \boxed{ \hat{a}(f_k) = \Delta t \: A_k \: \sim \: [\dfrac{\text{m}}{\text{Hz}}] } where in writing the units we have assumed that :math:`a` has units of :math:`\text{m}`. If :math:`a` has units of :math:`\text{nm}`, then :math:`\hat{a}(f_k)` will have units of :math:`\text{nm} \: \text{Hz}^{-1}`. **Power Spectrum and Units**. To connect the continuous-frequency power spectrum to the discrete-frequency power spectrum let us, for simplicity's sake, consider the *two-sided* power spectrum. In the continuous FT, the two-sided power spectrum is defined as .. math:: P_{a}^{\text{two}}(f) = \lim_{T \rightarrow \infty} \dfrac{1}{T} | {\hat{a}}_{T}(f) |^2 where, as before, :math:`{\hat{a}}_{T}` is the Fourier transform of a segment of :math:`a(t)` data recorded for a total time :math:`T`. Substituting :math:`P_{a}(f) \rightarrow P_{a}(f_k)`, :math:`T \rightarrow N \: \Delta t`, and :math:`{\hat{a}}_{T} \rightarrow \Delta t \: A_k` we have that .. math:: :label: eq:Patwo \boxed{ P_{a}^{\text{two}}(f_k) = \dfrac{\Delta t}{N}| A_k |^2 \: \sim \: [\dfrac{\text{m}^2}{\text{Hz}}] } Let us confirm that this is the right definition of the power spectrum by showing that the area under this power spectrum is indeed equal to the mean-square value of :math:`a(t)`. In the continuous FT case, we have Parseval's theorem: .. math:: :label: eq:Par a_{\text{rms}}^2 = \lim_{T \rightarrow \infty} \frac{1}{T} \int_{0}^{T} a(t)^2 dt = \int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} P_{a}^{\text{two}}(f) \: df The discrete FT version of this equality is obtained as follows: .. math:: a_{\text{rms}}^2 = \frac{1}{N \: \Delta t} \Delta t \sum_{n = 0}^{N-1} a_n^{*} a_n = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{n = 0}^{N-1} a_n^{*} a_n, where we have substituted :math:`a_n = a_n^{*}`; this substitution is valid since :math:`a(t)` is real. Expanding :math:`a_n` and :math:`a_n^{*}` in terms of their Fourier series, we obtain an expression for the mean-square value in terms of a sum over the Fourier coefficients: .. math:: :label: eq:ams1 a_{\text{rms}}^2 = \frac{1}{N^3} \sum_{k = 0}^{N-1} \sum_{k^\prime = 0}^{N-1} A_k A_{k^\prime}^{*} \underbrace{\sum_{n = 0}^{N-1} e^{\, 2 \pi \imath (k - k^\prime) n/N}}_{N \, \delta_{k,k^\prime}} = \frac{1}{N^2} \sum_{k = 0}^{N-1} | A_k |^2 Converting the integral in equation :eq:`eq:Par` into a sum, we obtain an equivalent expression for the mean-square value .. math:: :label: eq:ams2 a_{\text{rms}}^2 = \int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} P_{a}(f) \: df = \underbrace{\sum_{k = 0}^{N-1} \frac{1}{N \: \Delta t}}_{\int \cdots df} \underbrace{\frac{\Delta t}{N}| A_k |^2}_{P_{a}^{\text{two}}(f)} = \frac{1}{N^2} \sum_{k = 0}^{N-1} | A_k |^2 That equations :eq:`eq:ams1` and :eq:`eq:ams2` are equal gives us confidence that :eq:`eq:Patwo` is indeed the correct expression for obtaining the continuous-FT power spectrum from the DFT array elements. **Hilbert Transform**. In :ref:`FreqNoise`, we defined a function :math:`H` that implemented the Hilbert transform in Fourier space: .. math:: H(f)\: \widehat{\delta x}(f) = \widehat{\delta y}(f). The function was given as .. math:: H(f) = \begin{cases} +\imath & \text{if } f < 0 \\ 0 & \text{if } f = 0 \\ -\imath & \text{if} f > 0 \end{cases} In the following code, we compute the Hilbert transform by a different route. Consider the function .. math:: {\delta z}(t) = {\delta x}(t) + \imath \: {\delta y}(t). The measured data is the real part of :math:`{\delta z}` while the Hilbert transform of the data is contained in the imaginary part of :math:`{\delta z}`. How can we obtain :math:`\delta z` from :math:`\delta x`? The required function can be inferred by considering .. math:: \widehat{\delta z}(f) = \widehat{\delta x}(f) + \imath \: \widehat{\delta y}(f) = \underbrace{(1 + \imath \: H(f))}_{\equiv \text{Hc}(f)} \: \widehat{\delta x}(f) The function we want is thus .. math:: \text{Hc}(f) = \begin{cases} 0 & \text{if } f < 0 \\ 1 & \text{if } f = 0 \\ 2 & \text{if} f > 0 \end{cases} So defined, .. math:: \text{Hc}(f)\: \widehat{\delta x}(f) = \widehat{\delta z}(f). For lack of a better term, we'll call :math:`\text{Hc}` the complex Hilbert transform. **Analysis of Thermomechanical Position Fluctuations**. We will fit the power spectrum of cantilever position fluctuations to the function .. math:: :label: Pdzfit1 P_{\delta z}^{\text{therm}}(f) = \dfrac{k_b T \tau_0^2}{\Gamma} \dfrac{1}{(\pi \tau_0)^4(f_0^2 - f^2)^2 + (\pi \tau_0)^2 f^2} using non-linear least-squares fitting. To avoid numerical-precision problems in the curve fitting algorithm, it is important for the fit's :math:`y` axis (:math:`P_{\delta z}^{\text{therm}}`), :math:`x` axis (:math:`f`), and parameters (:math:`\Gamma`, :math:`\tau_0`, and :math:`f_0`) to be within a few orders of magnitude of 1. There are two ways to achieve this condition: (1) apply a scale factor to the :math:`x` and :math:`y` axis data so the scaled data ranges from 0 to 1, or (2) carefully choose units for all the quantities of interest. We will take the second approach. Working with frequency in units of kilohertz will make the fit's :math:`x` axis data be order unity: :math:`f \sim [\text{kHz}]`. To make the :math:`y` axis data of order unity, we will work with the cantilever position :math:`x(t)` in units of nanometers, so that :math:`P_{\delta z}^{\text{therm}} \sim [\text{nm}^2 \: \text{Hz}^{-1}]`. Now for the fit parameters. The second term in equation :eq:`Pdzfit1` is unitless as long as :math:`\tau_0`, :math:`f_0`, and :math:`f` have complimentary units. We will therefore work with the resonance frequency in units of kilohertz and the ringdown time in units of milliseconds: :math:`f_0 \sim [\text{kHz}]` and :math:`\tau_0 \sim [\text{ms}]`. Most microcantilevers have a dissipation constant within a few orders of magnitude of :math:`1 \times 10^{-12} \: \text{N} \: \text{s} \: \text{m}^{-1}`. We will therefore choose this as the unit of dissipation constant, :math:`\Gamma \sim [\text{pN} \: \text{s} \: \text{m}^{-1}]`: For purposes of curve fitting, let us define unitless, barred versions of the variables of interest: .. math:: \begin{align} \overline{f} & = f / \text{kHz} \\ {\overline{P}}_{\! \delta z}^{\, \text{therm}} & = P_{\delta z}^{\text{therm}} / (\text{nm}^2 \: \text{Hz}^{-1}) \\ \overline{\Gamma} & = \Gamma /(\text{pN} \: \text{s} \: \text{m}^{-1}) \\ \overline{\tau}_{0} & = \tau / \text{ms} \\ \overline{f}_0 & = f_0 / \text{kHz} \end{align} We will represent the temperature in units of kelvin as :math:`\overline{T} = T / \text{K}`. The prefactor in equation :eq:`Pdzfit1` is in mixed units and needs to be simplified: .. math:: \begin{align} \dfrac{k_b T \tau_0^2}{\Gamma} & = \frac{ 1.3806 \times 10^{-23} \: \text{N} \: \text{m} \: \text{K}^{-1} \overline{T} \: \text{K} \: \overline{\tau}_0^{\, 2} \: \text{ms}^{2} } { \overline{\Gamma} \: \text{pN} \: \text{s} \: \text{m}^{-1} } \\ & = 13.806 \frac{ \overline{T} \: \overline{\tau}_{0}^{\, 2}} { \overline{\Gamma} } \: \frac{\text{nm}^2}{\text{Hz}} \end{align} We will thus fit to .. note: with the \overline(f) and \overline{f)_0 variables, the superscripts .. note: are getting put too high. Manually adjust them lower. .. math:: \boxed{ {\overline{P}}_{\! \delta z}^{\, \text{therm}}(\overline{f}) = 13.808 \dfrac{\overline{T} \: \overline{\tau}_0^{\, 2}}{\overline{\Gamma}} \dfrac{1}{ (\pi \overline{\tau}_0)^4 ((\overline{f}_0)^2 - (\overline{f})^2)^2 + (\pi \overline{\tau}_0)^2 (\overline{f})^2 } } with the temperature :math:`\overline{T}` given. To this equation we will add two terms to account for detector noise. The first term is a constant, the frequency-indepenendent part of the power spectrum of detector noise. The second term accounts for the frequency-dependent part of the noise floor; the constant in this term corresponds to the first coefficient in a Taylor expansion of the detector noise power spectrum about :math:`f = f_0`. Putting both thermomechanical and detector noise terms together, we will fit the observed power spectrum of cantilever position fluctuations to .. math:: \boxed{ {\overline{P}}_{\! \delta z}(\overline{f}) = {\overline{P}}_{\! \delta z}^{\, \text{therm}}(\overline{f}) + {\overline{P}}_{\! \delta z}^{\, \text{det}} + 1000 \: \overline{p}_1 (\overline{f} - \overline{f}_0) } with :math:`{\overline{P}}_{\! \delta z}^{\, \text{det}}` the detector noise power spectrum in units of :math:`\text{nm}^2 \: \text{Hz}^{-1}` and :math:`\overline{p}_1` the Taylor-series coefficient in units of :math:`\text{nm}^2 \: \text{Hz}^{-2}`. The factor of 1000 in the above equation results from a :math:`\text{kHz}` to :math:`\text{Hz]` units conversion. The power spectrum of force fluctuations, which determines cantilever force sensitivity, is easily expressed in terms of the unitless parameters. In practical units, .. math:: \boxed{ P_{\delta F} = 4 k_b T \: \Gamma = 55.232 \: \overline{T} \: \overline{\Gamma} \: \dfrac{\text{aN}^2}{\text{Hz}} }