Source code for tests

This module collects tools for unit testing the functions in the
``FreqDemod`` package. Unit tests were developed using the ``unittest``
package. To run the unit tests, open a terminal in the ``FreqDemod`` directory
and run either::

    python -m unittest discover
    (or python -m unittest discover --verbose)


    python test

In some of the unit tests, we compare two ``numpy`` arrays.  In developing this
comparison we found the stackoverflow discussion "Comparing numpy float arrays
in unit tests" helpful [`link <>`__].


import os
import unittest

[docs]def discover(): """Automatically collect all tests in this folder.""" return unittest.TestLoader().discover(os.path.dirname(__file__))
[docs]def main(): """Run all tests. :return: a :class:`unittest.TestResult` object """ test_runner = unittest.TextTestRunner() return